In late 2020, Google introduced a powerful update known as Passage Ranking, which changed how search results are displayed. Instead of ranking entire web pages, Google now has the ability to rank specific sections, or “passages,” within longer content. 

According to Google, this update affects about 7% of all search queries worldwide, making it a significant shift in how search results are calculated. This figure is sure to change though due to ongoing algorithm updates.

For businesses and website owners, understanding the impact of Google’s Passage Ranking is essential for improving SEO efforts. 

Google’s Passage Ranking Explained

Google’s Passage Ranking is a feature that allows Google to rank specific sections or “passages” of a webpage, rather than the entire page, for certain search queries. 

This means that even if the overall content of a page isn’t fully optimised for a query, a highly relevant section within it can still appear in search results. Passage Ranking helps Google source precise answers from long-form content, particularly for highly specific or detailed searches. 

It’s not a separate ranking system but an enhancement to Google’s existing algorithm that affects how relevant information is delivered to users.

Users will still click through to the full page of content on your site, it’s just the passage that will be highlighted in SERPs.

Why Google Implemented Passage Ranking

Google implemented Passage Ranking to improve search accuracy and provide users with more relevant information, especially for complex or highly specific queries. 

Valuable content is often buried deep within long articles, and it may not be fully optimised for search engines to find. By analysing and ranking individual passages within a page, Google can extract and display the most relevant sections of content, even if the rest of the page is not directly related to the query. 

This update enhances the user experience by delivering better-targeted results, ensuring users can quickly find the specific answers they need.

The Benefits of Passage Ranking for SEO

The implementation of Google’s Passage Ranking offers several benefits for SEO, particularly for long-form and in-depth content. 

  • Improved Visibility for Long-Form Content. Passage Ranking allows individual sections of longer articles to rank for highly specific queries. This means that even if a page doesn’t rank for broad terms, relevant passages within that content can appear in search results for niche or long-tail searches.
  • Better Optimisation for Specific Search Queries. Rather than needing to create separate, shorter articles for each specific query, you can cover broader topics in a single, well-structured post. 
  • Greater Chances of Ranking for Long-Tail Keywords. Since Passage Ranking favours specific answers buried in content, long-tail keywords are more likely to rank. 
  • Enhanced User Experience. Users benefit by being directed to the most relevant portion of content within a page. This not only improves search accuracy but also increases the likelihood that visitors will stay on your page.
  • Maximises the Value of In-Depth Articles. Instead of focusing exclusively on keyword stuffing or optimising individual pages, Passage Ranking rewards thorough, high-quality content that covers a topic in depth. 

What About the Challenges?

While Google’s Passage Ranking offers several benefits, it also comes with a few challenges that SEO professionals and content creators should be aware of:

Content Fragmentation

If your content isn’t well-structured or organized, Google may struggle to identify the most relevant passages. Content that lacks clear headings, subheadings, or logical flow might not get recognised for Passage Ranking, reducing its effectiveness.

Over-Reliance on Long-Form Content

Passage Ranking tends to favour long-form content with multiple sections, which could lead to an overemphasis on creating lengthy articles at the expense of conciseness. This might dilute the user experience if your content is unnecessarily long just to capture Passage Ranking opportunities.

Less Control Over Which Passages Rank

SEO professionals have less control over which specific passages Google will rank. While you may optimise a particular section for a keyword, Google could decide that a different part of your content is more relevant to a search query, making it difficult to predict and fine-tune rankings.

Difficulty in Measuring Passage Ranking Performance

Since Passage Ranking affects specific sections within a page, it can be harder to track and measure which parts of your content are driving search traffic. Traditional SEO tools may not yet provide detailed insights into how individual passages are performing.

Competition from Niche Websites

Passage Ranking can level the playing field for niche sites with specific, highly targeted content. This means larger websites may face more competition from smaller or niche competitors whose focused content can rank for highly specific queries.

Snippet Theft

Passage Ranking might potentially lead to increased snippet theft, where competitors could use your highly-ranked passages in their own content.

Zero-Click Searches

As much as Google’s Passage Ranking can provide your brand with extra exposure, it doesn’t necessarily mean users will click through to your site. Zero-click searches are on the rise and will impact website traffic stats for countless businesses.

Optimising Your Content for Passage Rankings

If you want to make the most of Google Passage Ranking, here are some tips for how to approach your content going forward.

  • Use Clear and Descriptive Headings. Google uses headings to understand the structure of your content. Descriptive headings help Google identify relevant sections (or passages) more easily.
  • Focus on In-Depth, High-Quality Content. Long-form content provides more opportunities for different passages to rank for specific search queries.
  • Incorporate Long-Tail Keywords. Long-tail keywords align well with specific passages within content, helping those passages rank for highly specific queries.
  • Provide Direct Answers to Specific Questions. Google Passage Ranking is especially useful for answering specific, detailed queries.
  • Optimise Meta Tags and On-Page SEO. Traditional on-page SEO signals, like title tags, meta descriptions, and alt text, still help search engines understand your content.
  • Improve Your User Experience (UX). Google values a good user experience, and content that is easy to read and navigate will perform better in search rankings.
  • Add Internal Linking for Context. Internal links help Google understand how different parts of your site connect and improve the overall discoverability of specific passages.
  • Focus on Topical Authority. Semantic relevance and topical authority play an integral role in Google’s algorithms. 
  • Use Schema Markup Data. Schema markup can be used to give Google some extra guidance on the most important content on a page. 

Final Thoughts

Google’s Passage Ranking is an exciting opportunity for improving the visibility of your content in search results, especially for specific and detailed queries. By optimising your content structure, focusing on long-tail keywords, and providing clear answers within well-organised sections, you can enhance your chances of ranking individual passages. 

While Passage Ranking offers many benefits, it’s essential to maintain a balanced approach to SEO by continuing to focus on high-quality content and overall page optimisation to maximise your site’s performance in search results. This is just one of many ranking factors in the greater scheme of things.