WordPress Website Design and Development with Searchable Database



Our project brief was to create an MVP (minimum viable product) that would allow visitors to search for therapists throughout Germany.

The website visitors can search and filter therapists by location and specialties including therapist focus and expertise which will return the results they are looking for.


We built this website in WordPress with a simple design and UI so visitors can get to the information they require quickly and easily and to allow for simple adding and editing of data on the back end for our client and his team.

Over and above the searchable attributes, the search and results pages include photographs of the therapists and a map to show their location.


Yasser’s site is fully responsive for desktop/laptop/tablet and mobile and when complete we migrated the site from our development space to the client’s hosting. The entire project was delivered within the promised timescales and budget. Thanks for placing your business and trust in us, Yasser! we look forward to working with you again in the future.