WordPress Development of Membership & Content Protection Website

EPB Research


EPB Research was looking to create a membership website.

They are a financial research company that offers videos and content for different subscription levels that are sold on their site.

They needed help with redesigning their website for a seamless launch.

This included making sure:

– Pages were built to their standards (in line with wireframes)
– Payments systems were working
– Email templates were ready
– Plugins were set up and working
– Affiliate programme was in order
– Existing members were imported from the old website to the new one.


This project was about simplifying EPB Research’s existing site by redesigning it with fewer pages to design but these pages would look clean & professional.

Whilst there would be fewer plugins to integrate, we needed to make sure they are all functioning properly.

The website was also to act as a landing page or sales funnel to encourage people to sign up for EPB Research’s clients services on circle.so.

Trevor wanted it to be kept simple and have a clear call to action with buttons leading to circle.so checkout pages.


It was great to work with Trevor. His communication was excellent. He provided all information required quickly and accurately which helped the project move along as smoothly as possible. He was very appreciative and complementary which was great for the team.